Hydrographic Surveys
According to the Law no.395 / 2004 on the maritime hydrographic activity and the Order of the Minister of National Defense no. M129 / 2016 on the establishment of the public data obtained from maritime hydrographic activity to be made available to users, the hydrographic, cartographic and publishing activities that may be carried out for charge, as well as their related rates, the Maritime Hydrographic Directorate may performs hydrographic activities.
The rates for hydrographic surveys are as follows:
- Multi beam hydrographic survey for depths grater than 20 m = 11.260 euros/km2
- Multi beam hydrographic survey for depths between 5 and 20 m = 7.070 euros/km2
- Single beam hydrographic survey for depths between 0,5 and 20 m = 6.090 euros/km2
The hydrographic suryeys are performed in accordance with the IHO Standard S-44 (1998)
The rates are not including the travel expenses for staff and the hydrographic platform in/from the work area (transport, subsistence, accommodation) and are supported by the beneficiary.
Any printing costs are calculated according to the requirements of the beneficiary being supported by this.
According to the Law no.395 / 2004 on the maritime hydrographic activity and the Order of the Minister of National Defense no. M129 / 2016 on the establishment of the public data obtained from maritime hydrographic activity to be made available to users, the hydrographic, cartographic and publishing activities that may be carried out for charge, as well as their related rates, the Maritime Hydrographic Directorate may performs hydrographic activities.

The rates for hydrographic surveys are as follows:
- Multi beam hydrographic survey for depths grater than 20 m = 11.260 euros/km2
- Multi beam hydrographic survey for depths between 5 and 20 m = 7.070 euros/km2
- Single beam hydrographic survey for depths between 0,5 and 20 m = 6.090 euros/km2
The hydrographic suryeys are performed in accordance with the IHO Standard S-44 (1998)
The rates are not including the travel expenses for staff and the hydrographic platform in/from the work area (transport, subsistence, accommodation) and are supported by the beneficiary.
Any printing costs are calculated according to the requirements of the beneficiary being supported by this.