LOW No. 395 of October 10, 2004 - on maritime hydrographic activity, which aims at creating the conditions necessary for the safe conduct of navigation in order to protect the vessels, goods, crews and passengers, their goods and goods protection.
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ORDER No. M 129 of 11 November 2016 - on the establishment of the public data obtained from the maritime hydrographic activity provided to the users, the hydrographic, cartographic and publishing activities that can be carried out for a fee, as well as the tariffs related thereto.
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ORDER No. M 235 of 27 December 2018 - amending the Order of the Minister of National Defence No M.129/2016 on the establishment of the public data obtained from the maritime hydrographic activity available to users, the hydrographic, cartographic and publishing activities that can be carried out for a fee, as well as the tariffs related thereto.
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ORDER No. M 54 of 22 March 2023 - amending the Order of the Minister of National Defence No M.129/2016 on the establishment of the public data obtained from the maritime hydrographic activity available to users, the hydrographic, cartographic and publishing activities that can be carried out for a fee, as well as the tariffs related thereto.
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